
The main secrets of healthy hair

In today’s article, we want to talk about the main secrets of healthy hair and how to achieve this goal.  

It should be borne in mind that beauty consists of many things.  But, perhaps, well-groomed and healthy hair occupies one of the leading positions.  Every woman wants strong, shiny and healthy hair.  In order for the hair to be strong and maintain its beauty, we want to share the secrets to achieve this goal.

Healthy eating

Many people still believe that hair problems can be solved with masks, conditioners and salon treatments alone.  But this is not the case!  An unbalanced diet and an incorrect diet lead to the fact that the body cannot replenish its reserves of vitamins and minerals, which are simply necessary for the beauty and health of hair.  Eat more fruits, vegetables, nuts, herbs, and grains.  Fatty acids are very beneficial for the hair and scalp.
Also, do not forget to take vitamins such as C and group B. Especially, there is nothing better than a course of biotin with a concentration of at least 1000 mg.  This “beauty vitamin” visibly improves hair condition and promotes hair growth.

Too frequent / infrequent shampooing

The frequency of shampooing should be selected individually, taking into account the type of hair and the quality of the water.  The choice of care products depends not only on your hair type, but also on the climate in which you find yourself.  With high humidity, the hair is dried out, and cold temperatures thin it.  Even if you have oily hair, try to wash your hair no more than three times a week.  It is better to refuse daily washing, otherwise the hair will become even drier and weaker.  If you go to fitness, and your hair often gets dirty, it is better to use dry shampoo.  In addition to the fact that dry shampoo instantly cleanses hair, it also adds volume to hair and fixes styling.

How to comb and style

Dried hair should be combed from the bottom up, strand by strand.  The comb should be chosen according to your scalp condition.  When using oil, you can use wooden combs or combs with natural bristles.  After washing, when the hair is dry, it is better to use plastic ones.  Styling with a hairdryer gives hair extra volume and shine.  Use heat protection sprays and dry your hair at medium heat to neutralize the adverse effects of hot air.

The right choice of shampoos and masks that’s right for you

As for the composition of masks and shampoos, it certainly depends on your hair type.  The best remedies include argan and almond oils.  In turn, cosmetics containing keratin, as well as nourishing oils and vitamins, deeply restore hair structure, restoring shine and strength.  Silicones are not always the best choice for healthy hair.  However, the search for “your” shampoo is sometimes lengthy and always individual.  What suits some people does not suit others due to various factors.  We tried to find products that have earned the love and trust of many.

Our choice for healthy hair

Maroccanoil Intense Hydrating Hair Mask and Shampoo &Conditioner
